Inspired by the lifestyle of the Rocky Mountains, where Chris Simms spent many family vacations, Lazy Dog delivers innovative comfort cuisine and on-trend flavor profiles, paired with exceptional service in a comfortable, yet exciting environment. By delivering a memorable dining experience, small town hospitality and contemporary comfort all at a compelling value, Lazy Dog enjoys broad customer appeal.
Brentwood acquired Lazy Dog in July 2013 when it had 12 stores. Since acquisition, Brentwood has supported the company as it continues to pursue its key growth initiatives including driving same-store-sales growth, opening new units, making key management and infrastructure additions, and expanding into new markets. As a result the company has opened multiple new units, expanded to new geographies, refined its site selection process and assembled a management infrastructure capable of supporting continued unit growth. The company has a strong new unit pipeline, and management is excited to pursue growth in both new and existing markets.
Deal Team
Bill Barnum, Partner
Rahul Aggarwal, Partner
Jonathan Ang, Managing Director